I love this picture for so many reasons! 1. Because it shows my 2 eldest children as they were 20 years ago. 2. It has my friend Krista's 2 girls in it, now grown and beautiful young women. 3. Because it was Grandma and Grandpa's cabin at Priest Lake. So many times I would pack up the kids, some PB & J and Hot Dogs and we would live life at the lake. That cabin was my sanity and safe haven during the demise of my 1st marriage in 1989/90. It was the one "home" that was consistent during my late childhood and adoloescence. It broke my heart when my parents sold it.
I still cannot get enough of Priest Lake. I live as close as possible making sure Jim has a reasonable commute. In the Summer and Fall I often take off and make the hour drive to have some solitude. The lake is still my happy place. Jim proposed to me there. We camp there as often as possible. Our kids learned to fish and swim there. It truly is my "Happy Place". If I disappear this summer, you will know where to find me!
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