The often mundane and infrequently exciting adventures of a Mom who came Joyfully sauntering back home to The Church. Her unique and wonderful, Baptist Husband who sped past her on his way to Catholicism, their 8 Hooligans and 1 perfect Grandson.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Girl Can Dream Can't She!

Someday I will have a bathroom with a door. A real door with a bolt lock. A door close enough to the floor that little children and small animals can not stick their paws underneath and plaintively whine or meow. A real door that 13 yo Burglars in training can not open with a wooden Bar B Q skewer, so they are certain you heard them ask you for something to eat. Evidently 7 meals a day is not enough for them.
I have a bedroom door that locks, but the Master Bath has no door. Yet, one more thing on my Big Postal Boy's "Honey Do" list. I love my Bathroom with its big jetted tub with just enough of an edge for really cool candles, my glasses and some good books. You see I think of it as a retreat. A mini spa for Mom. My children see it as a place they know they can find Mom on a hard day.
I realize that by the time I get a real door with a real lock, no one will come knocking!

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